SPACE - Library 1 - Volume 1.iso
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235 lines
By Charles F. Johnson
Copyright 1990 CodeHead Software
All Rights Reserved.
Demo Documentation by Charles F. Johnson
Revised: Friday, September 21, 1990
* *
* This demo program and the accompanying *
* text file may be freely distributed as *
* long as both files are included, and *
* neither file is modified in any way *
* whatsoever. *
* *
CodeKeys is the MACRO TOOL! With CodeKeys, you can automate any task
on your Atari computer. CodeKeys records all key and mouse button
presses, and plays them back with precise timing, or as fast as possible.
Macros can be recorded and played back from within any program (GEM or
non-GEM), and fine-tuned with a flexible word-processor-like macro
editing desk accessory.
Here's a short list of CodeKeys features:
o Record or play back macros at _any_ time, no matter where you are,
in or out of any application, GEM or TOS.
o Macros can be recorded in real time for realistic playback with exact
o Any combination of keypresses may be used as the "trigger" key to
start a macro's playback.
o Any combination of keypresses and mouse button presses, along with
mouse positions and timings, can be included in your macros.
o Macros can be later edited to tighten timings and make them really fly.
o Full macro editing features include copy, cut, paste, replace,
delete, and append.
o The CodeKeys accessory has keyboard commands for all functions.
o Up to 32 macros can be defined with up to 128 events each.
o Macro definition files can be loaded and saved.
o Macros can call other macros for incredible power and flexibility.
o Repeating and delayed macros allow automated tasks such as periodic
saving of data files within applications.
o Macros can be played automatically upon bootup.
o CodeKeys can be disabled or re-enabled at any time.
o A special feature allows HotWire users to automatically load macro
files for use with specific programs.
o Macros may be named, displayed on screen, and printed for handy
o Resolution-dependent macro definition files can be automatically
loaded for 6 different resolutions.
o CodeKeys runs in all resolutions, on all STs and the TT.
How to Install the Demo
CodeKeys consists of two parts, a .PRG which should run from your AUTO
folder at boot time, and a desk accessory which can be installed in the
same way as any other desk accessory (or loaded into MultiDesk).
To start, copy the file called CK_DEMO.PRG to your AUTO folder. If you
don't have a folder called AUTO on the disk with which you normally boot
up, create one and copy the file called CK_DEMO.PRG into it. (If you're
unsure about how to create a new folder and copy files into it, please
refer to your Atari Computer Owners' Manual.) CK_DEMO.PRG is the program
which actually performs the macro recording and playing back. This
program can be used without the desk accessory editor if memory is tight
(although you lose the ability to edit, save, and load macros without the
After placing CK_DEMO.PRG in the AUTO folder, copy the file called
CK_DEMO.ACC to the root (or main) directory of your boot disk. This
program is the desk accessory editor for macros created with CodeKeys, and
will load as a normal desk accessory if GEM finds it in the root directory
at boot time. (Make sure you don't have more than 6 .ACC files in the
root directory of your disk -- GEM can only load 6 accessories at a time.)
If you own CodeHead Software's MultiDesk accessory loader/unloader, you
may also load CK_DEMO.ACC into MultiDesk at any time.
OK. After you've followed the above instructions to the letter, hit
that reset button on the back of your computer and reboot. The CodeKeys
demo will install; you'll see a message from the AUTO program, then the
desk accessory will actually put up an alert box, and make you press
Return! (This is just another of my primitive, cave-man techiques to
convince you to buy the real CodeKeys; of course, the real version doesn't
do anything so rude.)
The demonstration version of CodeKeys has some limitations -- there are
only 4 macros available for recording/playback, you can't save and load
macro files, and there is a time limit of 8 minutes and 43 seconds.
Recording a Macro
You should know first off that CodeKeys can record macros in one of two
different modes -- "timed" or "untimed." If you want to record mouse
button clicks in a macro, you should record it in "timed" mode so that
the button clicks will keep pace with GEM. Untimed macros should be used
in circumstances where you're only going to be recording keyboard events,
where timing doesn't matter.
To start recording an "untimed" macro at any time, hold down Alternate,
Left-Shift, and Control and type the Esc key. At the top line of your
screen you'll see the prompt: "Record macro number:" The demo of CodeKeys
has four macros available, so type a number from 1 to 4 and hit Return.
Now the prompt changes to read: "Type trigger key, then macro keys." The
trigger key is the key (or combination of keys) that will start the
playback of this macro. Choose a trigger key for the macro (it's best to
use combinations of Shift, Control, and Alternate for trigger keys to
avoid clashes with keys used in programs), then type the keys that will
make up the macro. When you're finished recording, hold down Alternate,
Left-Shift, and Control and type Esc (again). You'll hear a little clank
sound to signal the end of a recording. Now you can open the desk
accessory to edit and view what you just recorded.
To start recording an "timed" macro, hold down Alternate and Control
(notice we omit the Left-Shift key) and type the Esc key. This time the
prompt at the top of your screen reads: "Timed record - macro number:"
Again, type a number from 1 to 4 and follow the rest of the directions for
"untimed" macros above. When recording a timed macro, the exact timing
between all mouse button clicks and key presses is recorded as well as the
clicks and presses themselves.
Note: regardless of whether you're recording a macro in "timed" or
"untimed" mode, you always end the macro by holding down Alternate,
Left-Shift, and Control and typing the Esc key.
A Couple of Hints for Recording Mouse Button Macros
When recording mouse button presses in a macro, you'll get the best
results if you're very deliberate about your button presses, and hold the
button down a bit longer than you normally might. If a button press
occasionally fails to register, you can always edit the delay between the
button down and button up events with the CK_DEMO desk accessory.
To create a macro that chooses an item from a drop-down menu, record a
"timed" macro that first clicks with the left button on the drop-down
menu's TITLE (the text that appears on the top line of your screen), then
moves down to the menu selection and clicks on it. Since CodeKeys records
only button clicks, you need to click on the menu's title to get GEM to
realize that the mouse has been moved into the drop-down area.
When recording double-clicks, you may have to use the editor to shorten
the time between the first click and the second. Mouse clicks show up in
the editor window as a "button down" event and a "button up" event, with
delay values preceding each. If it's a "button down" event you'll see an
"L" (Left) or "R" (Right) next to the mouse X and Y coordinates. If it's
a "button up" event, you'll see the word "UP" next to the coordinates.
By experimentation, we've found that a delay of "1" between the first
and second clicks will reliably produce a double-click that GEM can read.
Using the Editor
The CodeKeys Demo desk accessory lets you edit, rearrange, load and save
(oops, not in the demo version, sorry!), and record macros. There is an
array of buttons from 1 to 32 in the upper right of the DA's screen.
Since the demo version only allows 4 macros to be held in memory at one
time, the buttons from 5 to 32 are "grayed-out" and not selectable. To
select any one of the four available macros, click on its button.
The macro recordings are shown in a window-like area, with scroll bars
that act like a window's. You can select macro events by clicking on
them; shift-click to select multiple events. Scrolling the window up or
down does not de-select any events you've selected. At the top of the
macro window is shown the macro's "trigger" key; underneath that (in
smaller text) is the macro's "title." Click on the trigger or title to
redefine them.
To edit individual events, click on the event to select it, and click
the button labeled "Replace." You will be prompted for various types of
responses, depending on the type of event you selected.
Whenever you delete any event or series of events, it is also copied
into a "paste buffer". To paste the contents of the buffer into another
macro, hold either Shift key while clicking on the Add or Insert buttons.
Again, you will be prompted according to the circumstances.
Ordering Information
CodeKeys is available NOW for $39.95. To order the latest version
of CodeKeys or any CodeHead Software product, call us at (213) 386-5735
during business hours (PST). Our FAX number is (213) 386-5789. We accept
most major credit cards.
If you don't want to order by phone, you can send a check or money order
for the amount indicated plus $2.00 shipping (Canada $3, Europe $5).
California residents please add 6.5% sales tax.
And if your local Atari dealer doesn't have CodeKeys yet, ask him/her to
order it!
CodeHead Software
P.O. Box 74090
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Enjoy the CodeKeys demo!
- Charles F. Johnson
- CodeHead Software
- September 21, 1990